Training for half-marathons and marathons, I've learned the importance of staying well hydrated during long runs -- especially on warm, sunny mornings, which in Southern California is pretty much all year.
It's not a big deal for me to fill up a water bottle from my tap and go, trusting that the water will be clean and drinkable. But there are some people that don't have that -- clean, drinkable water whenever they want it -- and I dare say we may have taken it for granted. I know I have, and do.
A billion -- a BILLION! -- people in the world are living without clean water. That comes out to one in eight people. Millions contract deadly diseases from contaminated water; 45,000 people will die this week alone. The lucky ones won't, but still walk hours each day to get dirty water to give to their families. And unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war.
That's just wrong.
And we -- me, you, your family and friends -- can change that. We can be part of the solution.
Just $20 can provide one person with access to a clean water project. On average, projects cost $5,000 and can serve 250 people with clean water.
So, I'm running the 2011 Dodge Rock 'n' Roll Los Angeles Half Marathon on Oct. 30 and the 2012 PF Chang's Rock 'n' Roll Arizona Marathon on Jan. 15 to raise money toward charity: water's effort to purchase needed equipment to dig wells that will provide communities with clean drinking water.
Running and racing are individual efforts, and it's easy to fall into an "it's-all-about-me" mentality. I don't want to do that -- I want these two races to count for more than a personal record or two, or a couple of medals and T-shirts.
I want the effort to actually help someone in need.

Oh, and, since along the way my birthday and Christmas are coming up, I'm giving those up, too. Instead of getting a card or a present for me, why not take that money and donate it to the cause?
And, yeah, I know $5,000 is a lot of money. Yet I'm not wanting to -- we should not settle for -- aiming at a lower target when we can go for the bigger one.
Please join me. Go to to donate.
Any amount you can give will help.
Please note: Because of charity:water's unique model, 100% of all donations go directly to direct water projects costs, and each donation is "proved" and tracked to the village it helped when projects are complete.
So what's keeping you from helping out?